Uses of Class
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.disparity
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
The maximum area (in pixels) for a region to be filtered. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.fiducial.calib
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigChessboardBinary.maximumCornerDistance
The maximum distance in pixels that two corners can be from each other. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.filter.binary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBinaryContourFinderLinearExternal.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourInterface.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) Returns the maximum contour.BinaryLabelContourFinderChang2004.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourFinderLinearExternal.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourInterface.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) Returns the minimum contourBinaryLabelContourFinderChang2004.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBinaryContourFinderLinearExternal.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourInterface.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) Returns the maximum contour.BinaryLabelContourFinderChang2004.getMaxContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourFinderLinearExternal.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) BinaryContourInterface.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) Returns the minimum contourBinaryLabelContourFinderChang2004.getMinContour
(@Nullable ConfigLength length) void
(ConfigLength length) void
(ConfigLength length) Specifies the maximum contour as either an absolute value in pixels or a value relative to the sqrt(width*height).void
(ConfigLength length) void
(ConfigLength length) void
(ConfigLength length) Specifies the minimum contour as either an absolute value in pixels or a value relative to the sqrt(width*height).void
(ConfigLength length) ModifierConstructorDescriptionLocalGaussianBinaryFilter
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, ImageType<T> inputType) LocalMeanBinaryFilter
(ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, ImageType<T> inputType) -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.scene.nister2006
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
When learning, if a node is viewed by more than this number of images then its weight is set to ConfigLength
When learning, if a node has less than this number of points it will not spawn ConfigLength
When making a query, If a node has an inverted file list greater than this amount then it will be skipped when scoring. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.shapes.polyline
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigPolylineSplitMerge.extraConsider
How many corners past the max it will fit a polygon to.ConfigPolylineSplitMerge.maxSideError
Maximum allowed error along a single side in Eclidean distance in pixels. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.abst.tracker
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionPointTrackerKltPyramid.configMaxTracks
It will attempt to respawn old dropped tracks when the number of active tracks drops below this ConfigLength
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.feature.associate
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
Maximum allowed distance between two points. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.feature.detect.line
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ConfigLength counts) -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.fiducial.calib.chess
(int numRows, int numCols, ConfigLength maxCornerDistance, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> detectorSquare, InputToBinary<T> inputToBinary) Configures detection parametersDetectChessboardSquarePoints
(int numRows, int numCols, ConfigLength maxCornerDistance, DetectPolygonBinaryGrayRefine<T> detectorSquare) Configures chess board detector. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.filter.binary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGThresholdImageOps.blockMean
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down) Applies a threshold to an image by computing the mean values in a regular grid across the input image.GThresholdImageOps.blockMinMax
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, double textureThreshold) Applies a threshold to an image by computing the min and max values in a regular grid across the input image.GThresholdImageOps.blockOtsu
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, boolean otsu2, ConfigLength width, double tuning, double scale, boolean down) Applies a threshold to an image by computing the Otsu threshold in a regular grid across the input image.GThresholdImageOps.localGaussian
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, T work1, @Nullable ImageGray work2) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayF32 storage1, @Nullable GrayF32 storage2) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayU16 storage1, @Nullable GrayU16 storage2) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayU8 storage1, @Nullable GrayU8 storage2) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.GThresholdImageOps.localMean
(T input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, T work1, T work2, @Nullable GrowArray work3) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayF32 storage1, @Nullable GrayF32 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F32> storage3) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayU16 storage1, @Nullable GrayU16 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, @Nullable GrayU8 storage1, @Nullable GrayU8 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) Thresholds the image using a locally adaptive threshold that is computed using a local square region centered on each pixel.GThresholdImageOps.localNiblack
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) AppliesNiblack
thresholding to the input image.GThresholdImageOps.localNick
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) AppliesNICK
thresholding to the input image.GThresholdImageOps.localOtsu
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, boolean otsu2, ConfigLength width, double tuning, double scale, boolean down) GThresholdImageOps.localSauvola
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) AppliesSauvola
thresholding to the input image.GThresholdImageOps.localWolf
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) AppliesWolf
thresholding to the input image.GThresholdImageOps.niblackFamily
(T input, @Nullable GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down, ThresholdNiblackFamily.Variant variant) void
(ConfigLength width) void
(ConfigLength width) ModifierConstructorDescriptionThresholdBlock
(ThresholdBlock.BlockProcessor<T, S> processor, ConfigLength requestedBlockWidth, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> imageClass) Configures the detectorThresholdBlock_MT
(ThresholdBlock.BlockProcessor<T, S> processor, ConfigLength requestedBlockWidth, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> imageClass) ThresholdLocalOtsu
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidthLength, double tuning, double scale, boolean down) Configures the detectorThresholdLocalOtsu_MT
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidthLength, double tuning, double scale, boolean down) ThresholdNiblackFamily
(ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down, ThresholdNiblackFamily.Variant variant) Configures the algorithm.ThresholdNiblackFamily_MT
(ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down, ThresholdNiblackFamily.Variant variant) ThresholdNick
(ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) Configures the algorithm.ThresholdNick_MT
(ConfigLength width, float k, boolean down) Configures the algorithm. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.filter.binary.impl
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayF32 storage1, GrayF32 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU16 storage1, GrayU16 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU8 storage1, GrayU8 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayF32 storage1, GrayF32 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU16 storage1, GrayU16 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU8 storage1, GrayU8 storage2) static GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayF32 storage1, GrayF32 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F32> storage3) static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU16 storage1, GrayU16 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU8 storage1, GrayU8 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) static GrayU8
(GrayF32 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayF32 storage1, GrayF32 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_F32> storage3) static GrayU8
(GrayU16 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU16 storage1, GrayU16 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) static GrayU8
(GrayU8 input, GrayU8 output, ConfigLength width, float scale, boolean down, GrayU8 storage1, GrayU8 storage2, @Nullable GrowArray<DogArray_I32> storage3) -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.geo.calibration
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
How close to the edge a point needs is to be considered along the image border. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.meshing
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionDepthImageToMeshGridSample.samplePeriod
Number of pixels in the regular grid that it samples. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.scene.nister2006
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionLearnNodeWeights.maximumNumberImagesInNode
If a node has more than this number of images passing through it, it's weight is set to 0.RecognitionVocabularyTreeNister2006.maximumQueryImagesInNode
If a node has an inverted file list greater than this amount then it will be skipped when scoring. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.scene.vocabtree
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionLearnHierarchicalTree.minimumPointsForChildren
If a node has less than this number of points it will not spawn children. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.shapes.polyline.splitmerge
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ConfigLength extra) void
(ConfigLength config) ModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(double splitFraction, ConfigLength minimumSideLength, int maxIterations) Configures algorithmSplitMergeLineFitLoop
(double splitFraction, ConfigLength minimumSplit, int maxIterations) Deprecated.SplitMergeLineFitSegment
(double splitFraction, ConfigLength minimumSplit, int maxIterations) Deprecated. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.similar
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
Fraction of features in a single image which must be associated for them to be considered similarfinal ConfigLength
If the number of common tracks between two frames drops below this then they are considered to be ConfigLength
Specifies how many features need to be matched for an image to be considered ConfigLength
Specifies how many features need to be matched for an image to be considered ConfigLength
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.structure
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
It will stop spawning more seeds when it fails this many times. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.structure.expand
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionEstimateViewKnownCalibration.minimumInliers
Minimum number of inliers for it to accept the solution -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.structure.score3d
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be accepted. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.alg.tracker.klt
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigPKlt.maximumTracks
Specifies the maximum number of features it can track. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.feature.associate
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigAssociate.maximumDistancePixels
Specifies the maximum distance allowed between associated pixels.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D> AssociateDescription2D<D>
(@Nullable ConfigAssociateGreedy config, ConfigLength maxDistance, ScoreAssociation<D> score) Returns an algorithm for associating features together which uses a brute force greedy algorithm. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.feature.detect.line
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigHoughBinary.minCounts
Minimum number of counts for detected line. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.fiducial
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigUchiyaMarker.contourMaximumLength
Maximum number of pixels in the contour to consider.ConfigUchiyaMarker.contourMinimumLength
Minimum number of pixels in the contour to considerfinal ConfigLength
Minimum number of pixels in the minor axis. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.filter.binary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) Applies a non-overlapping block mean thresholdstatic <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, double minimumSpread, Class<T> inputType) Applies a very fast non-overlapping block thresholding algorithm which uses min/max statistics.static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, boolean otsu2, double tuning, Class<T> inputType) Applies a non-overlapping block Otsu threshold.<T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, double minimumSpread, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidth, double tuning, double scale, boolean down, boolean thresholdFromLocalBlocks, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(boolean otsu2, ConfigLength regionWidth, double tuning, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, float k, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ConfigThreshold>
(ThresholdType type, ConfigLength width) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, double scale, boolean down, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) protected static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ThresholdNiblackFamily.Variant variant, ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double scale, boolean down, boolean otsu2, double tuning, Class<T> inputType) Applies a local Otsu threshold.static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) static <T extends ImageGray<T>>
(ConfigLength width, boolean down, float k, Class<T> inputType) ModifierConstructorDescriptionConfigThresholdBlockMinMax
(ConfigLength width, double minimumSpread, boolean down) ConfigThresholdLocalOtsu
(ConfigLength regionWidth, double tuning) -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.shape
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionConfigEllipseDetector.maximumContour
Detector: maximum number of pixels in the contour.ConfigPolygonFromContour.maximumContour
Specifies the maximum allowed contour length.ConfigEllipseDetector.minimumContour
Detector: minimum number of pixels in the contour.ConfigPolygonFromContour.minimumContour
Specifies the minimum allowed contour ConfigLength
Minimum number of pixels in the minor axis.ConfigSplitMergeLineFit.minimumSide
Deprecated.The minimum allowed length of a side as a fraction of the total contour length -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.factory.structure
Modifier and TypeFieldDescriptionfinal ConfigLength
Radius of the region used to compute the ConfigLength
Force keyframe if motion is more than this ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be ConfigLength
The minimum number of inliers for an edge to be ConfigLength
A new keyframe can't be made until the motion is greater than this. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.gui
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStandardAlgConfigPanel.configLength
(ConfigLength initial, double min, double max) StandardAlgConfigPanel.configLength
(ConfigLength initial, double min, double max, BoofLambdas.ProcessCall listener) -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.gui.controls
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.misc
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic double
(ConfigLength config, int width, int height) Standard formula for computing a relative threshold based on the image size.static int
(ConfigLength config, int width, int height) Standard formula for computing a relative threshold based on the image size. -
Uses of ConfigLength in boofcv.struct
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConfigLength.copy()
static ConfigLength
(double length) static ConfigLength
(double fraction, double minimum) ConfigLength.setTo
(ConfigLength src) Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(ConfigLength a) ConfigLength.setTo
(ConfigLength src)